
We know talking about mental health can be uncomfortable.

That’s what we're here for. TIACS is a free early-intervention, short-term mental health service, available to all, with no GP referral required.


Want to go the extra mile? Consider hosting your own fundraiser, or participating in someone else's, to raise money for TIACS!



Visit our website for more info on how to get involved and share our cause through downloadable posters and social media content.

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By giving a donation you will be helping blue collar workers and their communities access mental health professionals when needed.



Mental health doesn't have to be complicated

TIACS is dedicated to not only providing mental health support for those who need it, but starting conversations and promoting a positive culture surrounding mental health.

By supporting us, you're supporting our mission to be a part of a happier, healthier, and more honest community.

Your support counts.

TIACS wouldn't be able exist without the help of our wonderful community.

With your help, TIACS can continue it's mission to start conversations surroudning mental health among Australia's blue collar workers and those who care about them.

Want to know more about TIACS or our mission?

Learn more

  • Maddy just donated $42
  • Pippa just donated $46
  • Melany just donated $115
  • Kailah just donated $6,550
  • Pamela just donated $75
  • Anonymous just donated $5
  • Jonathon just donated $36
  • Tracy just donated $53
  • Liam Short just donated $22
  • Tara just donated $150
  • Carlos Melo just donated $89
  • Jordan C just donated $21
  • Gemma and Thom just donated $53
  • Jessica just donated $1,280
  • Rachel Hughes just donated $21
  • Anonymous just donated $520
  • Reyna just donated $53
  • Taela just donated $157
  • Christine just donated $26
  • Amy l just donated $53

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