WTC x Trademutt - Starting the conversation.
WTC have partnered with
Trademutt who aim to use their loud and vibrant shirt designs to start
conversations around mental health, every TradeMutt purchase helps fund This Is
A Conversation Starter (TIACS), a not-for-profit mental health support service
providing people with a free and easy way to reach our for help when they need
WTC have implemented the TradeMutt ritual of Funky Shirt Friday, a day each week for employees to wear their funky shirts, check in with how they’re doing and start meaningful conversations with the people around them.
To spark curiosity and conversation within the community we have
had our newest CAT 325 Next Gen Excavator wrapped in TradeMutts Ventura print
and have pledged to donate a portion of all income generated by this excavator
to TIACS, any brand-new equipment purchased by WTC will also be wrapped in a
TradeMutt funky pattern with a portion of it’s generated income adding to WTC’s
donation to TIACS.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Kristy Pattison

I will remember to wear my shirt next week I promise!