Nick Vanzeeland

Running 3249 Join Us

Running 3249

...every life lost to suicide in Australia.

G'day! I'm Ben.

I'm just a blind bloke on a mission to to run 3,249km in 2024 to honour the 3,249 lives lost to suicide in Australia in 2022. On average, we lose 9 lives a day to suicide which means I'll be running, on average, 9km a day every day in 2024.

I lost 98% of my eyesight overnight at age 16 to a rare genetic syndrome and know first hand what it is like to battle my mental health. Over a decade on, I still have my ups and downs as I navigate life as a blind father, husband, business owner and mate. It took me a long time to learn that it was okay to speak up about how I was feeling and that speaking up is far better than bottling it up.

This is why I've chosen to support TIACS as I run 1km for every life lost to suicide in Australia. Most of my closest mates are the people who TIACS provide free counselling services for and I want them, and all the tradie, truckie, farmer and blue collar workers out there, to know that they don't have to tough it out alone.

Rain, hail or shine, your mental health is with you all year 'round so that's while I'll be running 3,249kms over the year no matter the weather.

Thanks so much for your support.

